Is your kid facing Math Anxiety? Easy ways to help your kid

Math anxiety is much more than a dislike for the subject—it’s a real problem for students, one that blocks the brain’s working memory. Does math make you a nervous? Don't worry It is very common A bout 30% of high school students reported that they felt “helpless” when doing mathematics problems. For many people, math fears can be traced back to elementary school, and specifically, to timed tests and forced memorization, says SFU professor “Neuro scientists have shown recently that for people with math anxiety, a fear center lights up in their brain — the same as when they see snakes and spiders — and the problem- solving center of the brain shuts down . Tears or anger might signal anxiety, especially if they appear only during math. Students with math anxiety tend to be very hard on themselves and work under the harmful and false assumption and starts a self-perpetuating cycle of math avoidance, low achievement, and fear. But what can parents...